SMC changed the life of Shirin Khanom

Ms. Shirin Khanom is an SMC Blue Star provider and her chamber is located at Steamer Ghat Road in Barishal city. She had completed Midwifery course in 2009 and is also an experienced nurse at a maternity and child health clinic. She received basic training and joined SMC’s Blue Star family in 2018. Every month, she administers SOMA-JECT injectable to approximately 30 clients and sells 30 boxes of micronutrient powder MoniMix for children under five. Shirin gained knowledge and skills from basic and refresher training organized by the Blue Star Program. These skills have enabled her to provide quality health services to the clients and gradually she is becoming more popular in her community. When a mother visits her for her personal health problem, Shirin also counsels her for providing MoniMix to her under-five children. She believes that SMC will expand package of services of Blue Star network and train BSPs so that they can contribute more to the community. SMC is actively exploring potential female providers like Shirin Khanom across the country in order to engage them as Blue Star Providers and thus increase female participation in the network.