SMC Research Studies in 2014


Study Name



Understand the tasty saline market more effectively to position upcoming SMC electrolyte drink


The major objective of the study was to understand the Tasty Saline market to more effectively position upcoming SMC electrolyte drink through a survey


FoQus study to understand health care decisions during the first 1000 days and healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy


The prime objective of the study was to understand how women make decisions about family planning and birth spacing.


Knowledge, attitude, and practice of trained private community health care provider

The main purpose of the study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of private community health care providers to examine the effectiveness of PCHP training.



Evaluation of the knowledge and effectiveness of Community Sales Agent activities in MIH priority districts


The purpose of the study was to gather relevant information from the Community Sales Agent (CSA) to strengthen and sustain the demand generation and income generating efforts of community level commercial sales agents.


Developing list of eligible clients of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive Methods


The purpose of the study was to create a database of clients from LARC network providers for identifying potential eligible acceptors of long acting reversible contraceptive methods (IUD and Implant).



Brand Awareness Trial and Usages Study (BATU) on MoniMix, Zinc & Norix

The overall objective of the study was to assess the level of awareness and usage of MoniMix, Zinc and Norix as well as other available brands all over the country. The purpose of the study was to help SMC to improve its marketing and promotional strategy in order to increase purchase and sustain use of overtime of SMC MNP, Zinc and ECP.