News Archive

On October 25, 2023, the Pharmaceutical Division of SMC EL introduced a new product named 'Aminobost,' featuring a 5% composite Amino Acid solution with Electrolytes and D-Sorbitol for IV infusion. _more

SMC EL organized an activation program in two garment factories (Pacific Jeans Ltd & Universal Jeans Ltd) at Chattogram Export Processing Zone (CEPZ), Bandar on November 15, 2023 to disseminate the information on menstrual hygiene management and the highlight the features and benefits of Joya Sanita _more

SMC EL was honored as the highest VAT payer company at the district level for the fiscal year 2021-22 in an official ceremony held in Dhaka and organized by the Commissioner of Customs and VAT, Dhaka North. _more

SMC has planned to include 1,550 new Blue Star providers in the fiscal year 2023-24 as a part of its ongoing effort to expand the Blue Star network provider using its own fund. _more

SMC EL executed a well-planned campaign held on October 05 to November 19, 2023 with an aim to utilize the impactful promotional opportunities during ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023. _more